kalmanfans's Blog

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kalmanfans posted @ 2012年2月08日 16:17 in 在德意志插队的日子 with tags 德意志 插队 下乡 Vaihingen Stuttgart , 1921 阅读


下乡插队的第一站: @Vaihingen


Bear See, 插队的日子里,有回吃完饭,溜达溜达就到了,Bear See


λ 说:
2012年2月10日 18:38

:) 轮滑的好地方

kalmanfans 说:
2012年2月28日 15:51

@λ: 路面其实不太好,都是山区林间道路。

Emma 说:
2023年1月31日 13:42

The days of queue jumping in Germany are coming to an end. This is great news for those who value fairness and respect for everyone. Queue jumping is an unacceptable practice which undermines the values diamond rings of honesty and integrity that all of us should strive for. This change in policy will help ensure that people will be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their social or economic standing. It could also be a step towards greater equality and justice for all.

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